Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yoga retreat Updates!

I have contracted an amazing caterer who specializes in catering yoga retreats. Jenny Ong and her business; The Buddha's Belly will be providing us with fresh, organic and tasty meals! So in working with Jenny I have set aside 3 sets of dates to run 4-day retreats! Arriving Thursday evening or Friday morning and departing Monday afternoon/evening. The dates to choose from are: June 18-21, July 16-19 and/or Aug 20-23. More info to come soon on accommodation options, registration and costs.

The nutrition secret behind The Secret

Have you seen the movie "The Secret"? The law of attraction is a poweful force in our lives and more powerful if you understand how to use it to your benefit! I am a suscriber to the newsletter and get these 'insider' messages from time to time. This is one great article I just needed to share!
So watch "the secret" if you haven't already and have a look at these nutritional tips to better allow successful use of the law of attraction into your life.
Where your mind goes the energy flows!
So from see below:

How to multiply your success with "The Secret" and achieve new clarity using the Law of Attraction

Dear readers,
With the popularity of "The Secret" rapidly growing in the United States and around the world, there's growing interest in finding ways to maximize results while using the power of intention and Law of Attraction. Few people really know one of the most important secrets to making "The Secret" work: Establishing the right nutrition and dietary habits that clear your nervous system and allow intention to flow. In this article, I'll share some of the best nutritional secrets about The Secret, covering:

1) Foods and substances that interfere with the power of your intention.

2) Foods and substances that enhance the power of your intention.

Once you learn this information, you'll instantly discover ways to greatly enhance the effects you get when you apply your intention (or invoke the Law of Attraction). You'll also come to recognize why the great spiritual leaders throughout the world all gravitate towards similar diets that are free of certain substances (such as red meat).

Let's begin by examining those foods and substances that interfere with the power of intention and the Law of Attraction.
Foods and substances that block the power of intention

The power of intention (i.e. the Law of Attraction) only works when you have a clear, healthy nervous system that's free from distortion. Invoking the power of intention is a lot like broadcasting a message from a radio tower, and your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves, etc.) are the transmission tissues.

A radio tower only works well when it has sufficient electricity, clarity and symmetry. It also can't be gunked up with interfering signals or overriding disturbances. Your own nervous system is the same: For it to function well, it must be free of distortion and operating at peak performance. The following items greatly interfere with healthy nervous system function and therefore inhibit your power of intention:

Meat products: All animal-derived foods impair the clarity of intention, and this is especially so if those foods are derived from cruelly-treated animals (like feedlot cattle). This is why so many spiritual leaders around the world refrain from eating meat. It's also why vegetarians are generally more peaceful, spiritually balanced people than heavy meat eaters.

Alcohol and drugs: All recreational drugs (including alcohol) impair healthy nervous system function. Clarity cannot be achieved while under the influence of nicotine, alcohol, meth or street drugs. While there are medicinal uses for some natural drugs (such as medical marijuana), their use still inevitably interferes with clarity and clouds the Law of Attraction, so use them sparingly if at all. On the other hand, there are also natural plant-based medicines that actually enhance clarity when used as part of sacred spiritual journeys. Western society has declared such substances to be illegal drugs, but they are deliberately and consciously used with great care in healing journey experiences in many other parts of the world.

Caffeine: Even caffeine interferes with healthy nervous system function. The onslaught of daily stimulants leaves the body depleted of energy, unable to reach the level of vibration necessary to effectively broadcast intention to the universe.

Television: Watching television fills your mind with false messages, clouding your mind with ideas that distort reality and impair your ability to connect with the universe. Have you ever noticed that the people who watch the most television seem to be unable to attract those things into their lives that they want? It's because television acts like an intention blocking device, draining away your intention energy and filling your head with ideas and beliefs that only serve the interests of corporations and governments.

Processed foods: Processed foods not only lack the nutrition necessary for healthy nervous system function, they're also typically loaded with excitotoxins like MSG, aspartame and yeast extract. These substances damage the functioning of the nervous system, making any practice of the Law of Attraction virtually impossible.

Fragrance products: All fragrance products based on artificial chemicals impair the healthy functioning of the nervous system by dulling the senses and limiting sensory acquity. Achieving success with the power of intention requires eliminating ALL fragrance products from your life. These include most shampoos, laundry detergents, dryer sheets, soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants, skin creams and other similar products. In each of these categories, there are many alternatives available: Natural products that are either fragrance-free or made from essential oil fragrances only. If you wish to find success in applying the Law of Attraction, it's crucial to get these artificial fragrance chemicals out of your life (and away from your nervous system).

Processed sugar: Sugar greatly impacts the healthy functioning of the nervous system, and refined sugar is a lot like crack in the way it alters (and impairs) brain function. All refined sugars should be avoided, including high-fructose corn syrup (the sweetener in sodas), dextrose, sucrose and others. While you're at it, avoid white bread and refined grains, too, because they're very similar to sugars in the way they impact the nervous system.

Aspartame: This artificial chemical sweetener greatly impairs healthy nervous system function. This is partly because aspartame can chemically break down into trace amounts of formaldehyde, and formaldehyde is an extremely toxic nerve poison. Drinking aspartame is sort of like poisoning your brain with chemical preservatives. That's great if you're trying to embalm yourself, but not so good if you actually plan to use your brain for anything useful.
Things that enhance the power of your intention

Once you're free of the substances interfering with your power of intention, you can move on to enhancing your nervous system health with proper supportive substances. Here are the most important items to consider:

Raw foods: Raw foods really cleanse your nervous system and restore healthy brain function. Drinking raw food juices on a regular basis (freshly made in your own blender, not processed) greatly enhances clarity and the power of intention. Most spiritual leaders around the world follow diets based at least in part on raw foods. Following a raw foods diet for just 30 days will dramatically clear your senses and turn you into a powerful broadcaster of intention.

Vegetarian foods: Avoiding the consumption of meat and dairy products is also an important way to keep your system clear and lend power to your intention. Meat and dairy products stagnate the flow of energy throughout your mind and body, blocking the intention. To get the best results, go completely dairy free (except for raw, unprocessed milk, which qualifies as a raw food) and meat free.

Personal integrity: Acting with integrity multiplies the power of your intention. When you consistently do what you promise, especially in relation to others, you gain power and confidence in your own actions. This translates into significant improvements in the Law of Attraction. People who steal from others, exploit them or harm them are acting outside of personal integrity and typically demonstrate a very poor ability to attract things into their lives that they really want. It's a vicious cycle, too: When they can't attract what they want, they turn to stealing, and this in turn diminishes their ability to attract what they want in the future.

Clean water: Hydration is crucial for good nervous system performance. I will even say that you cannot possibly engage in effective intention exercises when you're in a state of chronic dehydration (as most people are). Drinking plenty of water clears metabolic wastes from your body and even lubricates the nerve cells throughout your body! So drink more water and you'll boost your results.

Microalgae superfoods: These superfoods offer a two-fold benefit: They cleanse the liver (which purifies the blood and improves mental clarity) and they offer natural high-density nutrition from nature. The four I recommend are spiruline, chlorella, blue-green algae and astaxanthin ( One of the top brands of raw microalgae is E3 Live, which you can find at

Healthy oils: Consuming regular quantities of healthy oils and omega-3 fatty acids makes a huge difference on the power and reach of your intention. Eat more chia seeds (, avocados, raw coconut oil ( and minimally processed plant-based oils. Fish oils can also be supportive if you choose to eat fish-derived products. Flax seeds serve a similar purpose for those who are vegetarian.

Berries: Eat massive quantities of fresh, raw berries to boost nervous system function and greatly enhance the power of your intention. Berries offer nervous system protection medicines, and they also happen to halt cancer, prevent eye disease, enhance memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease. Be sure to eat a variety of berries so you get all sorts of different colors: Black raspberries, blueberries, red raspberries, strawberries, acai, red currants, wild berries, etc.

There are, of course, many other nutrients and natural substances that can enhance mental function and clarity. Everything from tropical fruits to garden greens provides a strong benefit in boosting the power of your intention.
My personal secret to success

People tend to look at my own accomplishments as being "remarkable" or highly successful in various ways. They see me as getting many things done in a very short period of time, and they often wonder how I accomplish these things. My greatest secret is that I frequently practice the power of intention (and I have a specific process through which that is practiced), and I avoid all the foods, beverages and personal care products that interfere with the power of intention.

In the past, some people have wondered why I drink no alcohol, use no drugs, drink no coffee, take no medications, etc. People have asked me if I'm a member of some specific religion with pristine dietary practices, but the answer is quite simply that I have arrived at my own spiritual practice and I choose to respect my body and mind as tools for creating a better future. I actually came to this conclusion mostly on my own, and have since found that it is aligned with the spiritual paths found in virtually all world religions. It all makes sense, too: You simply can't be a highly spiritual person if you're consuming angry cow meats and altered dairy fats!

I intentionally avoid all substances that intefere with intelligence, clarity or spirituality, and I go to great lengths to cleanse my body using nature's medicines: superfoods, rainforest herbs, raw foods, and so on. By the way, the best cleansing products I've ever found at available at (look for the Liver Tincture and the cilantro-based anti-mercury tincture).

The secret to my productivity and ability to manifest those things is simply that I'm wholly committed to treating my body and mind as sacred entities. I do not allow myself to be polluted with television, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, energy vampire people (like friends who drain away all your energy) or processed foods. The result is that when I focus on something, it manifests relatively quickly (there's still a whole lot of work involved, of course, but that's the nature of getting things done in this physical world). Perhaps there is some other version of the multiverse in which intention is instantly translated into effects, but here in this one we all share, intention often requires practical steps for manifestation. (So don't forget the part about applying effort, too!)
Want a better life? Clean up your energy channels

This is not information I've shared before, but it's probably the most important secret to success that I've ever written about. If you want to make things happen in your life and manifest more wealth, abundance, loving relationships, happiness or whatever, you've got to get serious about cleaning up your "broadcast channels," which means cleaning up your diet, eliminating any substance abuse, avoiding influence from television and so on. It doesn't mean you have to become a hermit and live in the woods somewhere (although that certainly wouldn't hurt on a temporary basis), but you do have to stop living the disconnected life of typical consumers who are addicted to processed foods, alcohol, television, drugs, video gaming and other things.

I don't claim to be perfect in my own habits. I still eat meat when traveling (but never from mammals such as cows or pigs), and my diet isn't as raw as I would like. I also spend way too much time sitting in front of a computer, but that's a necessary choice I've made for engaging in online education and article writing. But like you, I'm always striving to make my diet and lifestyle one step better, and by doing that I'm constantly moving into higher states of vibration that naturally augment the power of my intention.

You can do the same. All it takes is making the commitment and taking on one change at a time until you're completely rid of the toxic influencing factors and fully embracing those things that work to multiply the power of your intention. Before long, you'll find the Law of Attraction working far better than you ever imagined, and you'll really start living the magical life you're attracting through conscious intention.

It's really not complicated, nor even mystical or "new agey." It's just the application of common sense: If you want to create a better future and manifest your desires, you've got to clear you head, get rid of the junk and start nourishing your internal broadcast antenna (your nervous system). Once you do that, you can start to broadcast your intention to the universe, and you'll find that everything you focus on begins to manifest far more quickly.

Speaking of intention, please feel free to share this article with anyone you know who's familiar with "The Secret" and who might benefit from knowing these nutritional tips. You can copy and paste the article in an email, or just send the web address (URL). Spread the word: We need more people with high vibrations in order to overcome all those folks running around with LOW vibration, don't you think? The more high-vibration people we have in the world, the brighter the future will be for us all.

To your health,
- Mike Adams
Consumer health advocate

Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Upcoming Yoga Retreats Survey

More excitement! I am conducting a survey on what people would like at the yoga retreats. We have a beautiful location at the Blue Mountain Outdoor Centre ( just south of North Battleford. Given the various different options of accommodations, activities and food options I am wanting people's feedback so I can plan the best vacation for you.
Do the survey here:

I have also listed it as a facebook event to make it easy to pass it on to other people you think might be interested.

So stay tuned for the results and the upcoming plans for the retreat(s).

Feel free to contact me with questions or comments at or (306)341-3695


Monday, January 4, 2010

health and healing..

Happy New Year! As we enter 2010 I know most of us are wanting to be healthier. So I hope you enjoy the information I wanted to share with you.
As a yoga teacher and with my background in Anatomy, physiology and nutrition I believe the physical body is designed to be in a healthy, balanced state. Illness and disease only results when we come out of balance. Balance in all areas of life; work vs play, stress vs relaxation, sedentary vs excess activity, malnourishment vs overeating and also when the body gets bogged down with toxins. So the yogic path stresses regular cleansing of the internal body and eating of natural raw foods as much as possible. I will write about cleansing in the future but today I wanted to talk about food. Unfortunately with soil degradation, pesticides, herbicides, other chemical additives and with over processing our food it doesn't contain as many nutrients anymore and in fact can be quite dangerous. I am absolutely in love with the site Dr.Mercola is Medical doctor committed to giving the best information out there on natural health. I highly recommend his e-newsletter to everyone. See his info on choosing organic to get the safest food possible.
Anyways, back to the point our food no longer contains the nutrients we need and supplementation has basically become essential to get all our essential nutrients to have our body function at its optimal level. So I want to introduce the philosophy of regeneration. As I believe the body is designed to heal itself and work at its best given that it has the tools to do so.
I use herbal products from Sunrider. A company that I am a part of just because I love what it has to offer. Sunrider is owned by a Chinese American couple, Dr. Tei Fu Chen a pharmacist and master herbalist and his wife Dr. Oi Lin Chen, a medical doctor. Sunrider owns and oversees all the farming, production and packaging of all its products. Guaranteed to be pure and at the highest concentration of live enzyme nutrients.
The Philosophy of regeneration is 3 simple statements:
1. The body has the ability to balance itself with proper nutrition.
2. The body is designed to obtain its nutrition from whole foods.
3. Each person must be willing to accept responsibility for his or her health.

Where did Sunrider's "Philosophy of Regeneration" come from?

The Chinese have the distinction of having the world's longest on-going record of scientific inquiry, spanning a period of at least 5,000 years. Long ago the Chinese discovered that if we restore harmony among all the systems of our bodies, they can and will balance themselves. As communication between our body systems is restored, we return to health. This is the "Philosophy of Regeneration".

There are many approaches to achieving happiness, health and longevity in the Chinese philosophy. A very basic concept is:

"Eat the foods that nourish you and avoid the foods that harm you."

This is the nutritional approach used by the Chinese in its simplest form. Using this approach, in conjunction with good common sense in your lifestyle, will have a very positive impact on how you feel.

Now let's take a look at the three elements of Sunrider's basic philosophy.

1. The body can balance itself with proper nutrition.

Sunrider was designed to create a solid foundation for health using ancient principles of nutritional balance. Sunrider foods were never intended to treat disease. Did you know that the ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were well, and not paid when their patients were ill? They were expected to keep their patients healthy, or in other words, maintain health. In the same way, Sunrider's goal is to help as many people as possibly maintain their health by consistently and properly by nourishing, balancing and cleansing the body. In real life, our health frequently drifts off the true "balance" we need, and this results in disorder of our systems. Sunrider is also designed to help return order, or harmony, to our systems and then help us to maintain.

A new Sunrider will often ask, "What should I 'take' for this or that symptom?" The answer is always the same: If you have a medical emergency, please see a qualified health practitioner. If you have a chronic condition that does not require emergency procedures, complement any medical help you're receiving by reducing, or eliminating, the unhealthy elements of your lifestyle…undue stress, excessive salt intake, fatty foods, sweets, smoking, etc…you know what they are! You should also start immediately to attend to the foundation of your health by incorporating whole, balanced Sunrider herb foods into your diet. Building a foundation of good health can only assist the body's quest for balance through its own ability.

Suppose you are fortunate to be healthy. Why should you eat Sunrider herb foods? Quite simply, because…

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

…and Sunrider foods are the best comprehensive program of nutrient-rich, fast, convenient, whole herb foods on the market today!

2. The body is designed to obtain its nutrition from whole foods.

The term to note here is whole foods. This term describes foods in their original nutritional configuration. As you look at Sunrider herb foods, you see powders, capsules and liquids. How can we say these are "whole foods"? The answer lies in the difference between the wholeness of physical size and shape versus wholeness of nutritional composition.

When a carrot comes out of the ground with its stems, leaves and roots intact, it is obviously still whole in its physical form. If we cut the carrot in half, it is no longer physically whole, yet each piece is still nutritionally whole. The naturally-occurring "family" of carrot nutrients (the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and enzymes) is still together as a team. The nutrients have not been chemically separated from each other. In other words, the nutritional integrity is still intact. This is what we mean by "whole foods".

Now, Sunrider has taken this concept and developed modern processes to enable the manufacturing of "whole foods" in convenient, practical, highly concentrated forms. For example, the powdered NuPlus is a combination of many whole food herbs that are carefully prepared to preserve their nutritional integrity. The process is very precise with regard to temperature control and processing times to assure that the nutrients remain intact. This is a major difference between Sunrider foods and many other "health" foods. And, Sunrider uses no preservatives, additives, artificial colors, added sweeteners, animal by-products, fat or chemical isolates in its herbal nutritional products, nor does it do animal testing.

3. Each person must be willing to accept responsibility for his or her health. All of Sunrider's products are provided for maximum benefit for our bodies' health. The foods will help us to maintain good health. It's up to you -

…"Good health is easier to maintain than regain"…

We also need to be aware of our bodies and "listen". Question: How much good food should you eat? Answer: Your body will tell you. Be responsible and listen to your body!

Your Health Goals

Most people have health goals. Very often our health goals are based on an apparent deficiency in how we feel. What we all want is some semblance of order to our health. Typically, we're trying to overcome a problem and restore order. The "Philosophy of Regeneration" calls this bodily activity-restoring balance.

Many people tend to focus on the problem they're trying to overcome, not on restoring balance. It may take a change in thought process, but we must want health, not simply to be rid of a problem!

We all want to feel young and healthy as long as possible. Dr. Chen, the owner and herbal genius of Sunrider, once said, "One of the important goals in my life is to die young as late as possible!"
As you can see this written right from the standpoint of understanding and selling Sunrider products but I am not here to sell you anything. I feel obligated to write to you today to let you know this information that I know as it is my goal to see all of my students living the healthiest life possible and I have been using the sunrider products on and off for 2 years now and love them. I feel great with them. In particular the Sunbreeze oil- a first aid kit in a bottle, the Nuplus- as mentioned above, calli- a concentrated green/herbal tea, superclean- a natural cleaner, suncare- stevia, a herbal sweetener are the products I don't like to be without.
With or without the addition of the live enzyme whole sunrider foods- just a reminder the main thing in life is eat fresh, eat raw, eat locally grown,get active, drink your water, get your sunshine and Vit D! Organic/grass fed especially for meat and dairy..see for an explanation on that. Oh and see about Vitamin D, the most important nutrient for our immune system.
In the future I will outline yogic cleansing and let you know my favorite methods, eating healthy can only do so much if the system is overloaded with toxins.
Wishing you a wonderful 2010,
Love and Light,